Password Security

To ensure your ADF Online log in details remain as secure as possible, the ADF recommends that you:

  • Never instruct your computer to save your ADF Online password
  • Never record your password anywhere either in writing or online
  • Never share your login name or password

If you feel your details have been compromised, please contact the ADF immediately.

Christmas Operating Hours

The ADF will be operating as normal throughout the Christmas and New Year holiday period with the exception of the gazetted public holidays. Any customers pre-loading files or transactions for the holiday period should ensure that they have sufficient funds in their account to cover the total amount of transactions to be processed.

If you require a temporary daily limit increase to allow your files to be processed, please contact the ADF on 07 3324 3777 to arrange.

We would like to wish all of our customers a safe and happy Christmas.

Update – CBA Processing Issues

Further to the update previously provided by the ADF on the processing issues experienced by the CBA on Thursday 17th October, CBA have confirmed their transaction processing is now up to date with all delayed transactions now processed and received by the payees.

CBA have advised that they will reimburse costs incurred as a result of their processing issue. If you, your organisation, your employees or your suppliers were charged any late payment, dishonour, overdrawn account fees or interest as a result of delayed payments, please contact the ADF on 3324 3777 to discuss the reimbursement process.

The ADF would like to apologise again for this issue and any inconvenience it has caused. We are working with our CBA representatives to understand what caused the issue and what steps are being taken to ensure it can’t occur again.

Please don’t hesitate to contact the ADF if you have any questions or would like any additional information.

CBA Processing Issues

As you may be aware, the CBA experienced a network outage yesterday. This outage resulted in a number of their transactional processing systems going down including Bpay, international transfers and both inward and outward EFT processing. These systems being unavailable means that any Bpay or EFT transfers processed yesterday via ADF Online or batch uploads were held at the CBA and not released to the beneficiaries.

CBA have now advised that the network issue has been rectified and all systems are back on line. Any transactions that were processed yesterday are currently in the process of being released and should be received by the beneficiaries in the next 24 – 48 hours. We have also received all inward transactions that were held over as a result of this outage and credited those to customer accounts this morning.

We would like to apologise for this issue and any inconvenience caused. The ADF is working with our CBA representatives to gain an understanding of what caused the issue and what steps they are taking to ensure it doesn’t happen again.

Please don’t hesitate to contact the ADF if you have any questions or issues with payments delays.

ADF Interest Rate Review

Due to market pressures, the ADF has made the decision to review its interest rate settings.

We regularly review our interest rates to ensure they reflect market conditions whilst maintaining a balance between our customers’ loans and investment requirements. The ADF is very conscious of the impact these changes have on our customers.

The ADF is committed to funding Church mission and maintaining long-term stability, and this ultimately drives every decision we make. The new rates will be applied as follows and effective 1st September 2019:

Standard Variable Loan Rate:-4.10% (currently 4.60%)
Standard Investment Rates:-
Up to $499,9990.50%
$500,000 to $1,999,9991.00%
Over $2,000,0001.50%

If you have any questions on this or on other ADF matters, please do not hesitate to contact your ADF Relationship Manager.

Cheryl CaughleyManager, ADF07 3324 3740
Michael ParerManager, Customer Service07 3324 3781
Liz SherrattRelationship Manager07 3324 3768
Stephany YangRelationship Manager07 3324 3749
David MansulRelationship Manager07 3324 3748
Mark GrayCustomer Service Liaison & Project Manager07 3324 3751

Password Security

To ensure your ADF Online log in details remain as secure as possible, the ADF recommends that you:

  • Never instruct your computer to save your ADF Online password
  • Never record your password anywhere either in writing or online
  • Never share your login name or password

If you feel your details have been compromised, please contact the ADF immediately.

Outward Bpay Payment Issues

Due to a technical issue at the CBA, all Bpay transactions authorised through ADF Online on Wednesday 22nd May were unable to be processed by close of business. These transactions have been successfully processed on Thursday 23rd May. Please allow up to 48 hours for these payments to be received by the respective Billers. If invoices paid on the 22nd were due in the next 2-3 days, we recommend contacting those Billers to advise of the delay. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.

Beware – Scam Invoices for Y/C News 2019

We are aware of a number of Archdiocesan customers who have received fraudulent invoices requesting payment for advertising in the Y/C News 2019. These invoices are a scam and must not be paid. An example of the fraudulent invoice can be found here. If you have received one of these invoices, please destroy or delete it immediately. Please contact the ADF if you have any questions.

Recent ADF Payment Forum

The ADF recently held our first Payments and Economic Environment Forum with a number of our education customers. The forum was well attended with over 30 attendees from a number of different colleges within the Archdiocese as well as representatives from Brisbane Catholic Education and Edmund Rice Education Australia.   The Forum was broken into two sessions, ADF in the morning and CBA presentation after lunch.

The CBA session was delivered by one of the CBA’s Senior Economists, Ryan Felsman. He spoke about the impacts global events and political climates are having on the Australian economy as well as the outlook for Australia for the next 12 months.

The ADF session was focused on the attendees, how they are supported by the ADF from both a product and service perspective and areas where additional focus or enhancements are required. This session was interactive and the feedback that the group shared has allowed the ADF to gain an insight into areas that are working well for our customers, those that should be improved and areas where additional focus and development are required.

A range of areas were identified as needing improvement and we will be working with the CBA and other partners to determine what can be achieved to enhance and improve their current offerings.

We have identified a number of target areas for the next 12 months, including:

·       Foreign currency provision

·       Prepaid debit cards

·       Do it yourself ADF Onine password resets

·       Smart Data and BPOINT reporting improvements

The ADF will provide regular feedback on progress as well as other initiatives that we continue to work on.

We would like to extend our thanks to the attendees for their participation and willingness to discuss things that are happening within their organisation now, as well as those that may occur into the future. We are extremely pleased with the success of this Forum and will be looking to add this as a regular event to the ADF calendar. If you believe your organisation would benefit from attending one of these sessions, you can register your interest now by emailing us at